Chef Sanjai has recorded a unique series of 18 classes in collaboration with his life partner, Acharya Shunya. In this series, aptly titled Ayurveda Ancestral Library, Chef Sanjai shares unique lineage-based Ayurvedic recipes for handcrafting health with the power of Ayurvedic superfoods, spices, herbs and garden flowers.
This is a not to miss class series with exclusive availability.

Indian Gooseberry That Prevents Every Human Disease
Use fresh or frozen berries or powered Amalaki to make:
Amla Murabba - a traditional sweet preserve that prevents heartburn and acidity
Amlaki Tea - for boosting immunity and improving the quality of hair, skin, and complexion
Amlaki Sherbet - to cool the body and overcome heat fatigue, sun stroke and hot flashes
Amlaki and Mango Panna - a delicious drink to remain strong and vital especially in exhausting summer heat
Amlaki Spice Blend - for optimizing digestion and boosting immunity especially useful for women of all ages
Amlaki Pickle - will quickly boost the taste and value of any meal at any time
Plus - Many other home remedies

Indian Ginseng that Counteracts Inflammation and Fatigue
Use fresh harvested roots from your garden plant or buy powdered root to make:
Ashwagandha Milk - cooked in perfect ratio for the right duration for a good night sleep
Ashwagandha Laddoos - a mouthwatering any time sweet delight that also calms inflammation at the same time
Ashwagandha Fig Laddoos - desert option for strong muscles, improved sleep and optimum immunity
Ashwagandha Pancakes - a power breakfast for busy people that helps cope with work stress and bodily fatigue
Plus - Many other home remedies

Aloe Vera
A Must Have Super Food that Boosts Immunity
Aloe is a Three Dosha balancing garden elixir that you can grow in pots or buy fresh leaves from grocery stores to make:
Aloe Vera Candy - a delicious amazing any time desert that boosts immunity instantly
Aloe Yoghurt Drink - to make your digestion strong and cells toxin free
Aloe Subji - a delicious curry to be enjoyed with rice which is three dosha balancing at the same time
Plus - Many other home remedies

A Mind Calming Garden Herb You Can Grow in Pots
Use fresh brahmi from your garden or use its dried power available online to make:
Brahmi Swaras - A Juice that rejuvenates the mind and senses
Brahmi Ghee - A slow cooked ghee with precise ratios that ends anxiety and irritability
Brahmi Spinach Stir Fry - A beautiful way to eat for your mind's calmness and improved memory
Plus - Many other home remedies

A Pitta and Vata Balancing Super Fruit Easily Available Everywhere
If you feel fatigued easily, or suffer from mental burnout and even low libido, utilize fresh or dried figs to make:
Fig Cream Spread - This recipe instantly helps rejuvenate your tired brain and body
Fig Milkshake with Fragrant Spices - A delicious way to intake the benefits or milk plus figs
Fig Milk for Debility - A precise recipe to enhance sperm count, libido and overcome physical debility
Fig Balls - enjoy these any time snacks and quick pick me up's.
Fig and Ginger Chutney - a surprise recipe that heals and makes any meal shine
Plus - Many other home remedies

The Spiritual Holy Basil Plant You will Fall in Love With
Use fresh Tulsi leaves from your garden or use its dried power available online to make:
Tulsi Mung Hummus - A delicious variation that also helps you cope with allergies
Tulsi Chai - a must to cure cough, colds, sneezing attacks and allergies
Tulsi Couscous - a wonderful recipe with precise spices that supports weight loss and detoxification
Plus - Many other home remedies
These ingredients are packed with qualities to help you digest and detoxify your cells at the same time. Learn to make:
​Ayurvedic French Fries - they are delicious but super healthy!
Sweet Potatoes and Mustard Seeds - a must have to enjoy potato without weight gain
Coriander Ayurvedic Pesto - a wonderfully healthy way to enjoy pesto pasta
Turmeric Kadhi - Enjoy this recipe for lunch with rice and purify your blood and gut at the same time
Golden Milk - This original recipe, cooked with classical ration and right spice blends will change your life
Turmeric Pickle - Most pickles are unhealthy but turmeric pickle will help you digest what you could not previously, with ease
Turmeric Halwa - Enticing dessert that helps you stay healthy and happy
Garlic Milk - A recipe that heals stock pains, bloating and gas and gives you strength
Ginger Halwa - A recipe that delights your sweet tooth and helps overcome allergies and colds
Post Pregnancy Laddoos - Sweet dessert balls that improves lactation and prevent post pregnancy health problems (a must have for every new mom!)
Nutmeg Chutney - Enjoy this gentle aphrodisiac with dinner
Sweet Rice with Nutmeg - This fragrant meal acts like a balm on frazzled nerves
Plus - More more recipes with saffron, cardamon, etc.

Edible Flowers
Lotus, Marigold and Jasmine Recipes
A Secret Lotus Drink - This delicious drink will act as a brain tonic, rejuvenate and coolant
Lotus Root Stir Fry - A surprise recipe that can be eaten with rice, tortilla or by itself, while improving sleep and reducing inflammation
Jasmine Masala Blend - This secret blend can be added to any stir fry or curry to enhance taste and make that food potent with anti toxic properties
Plus - Other flower recipes and home remedies

The Official Best Fruit in Ayurvedic Medicine
Carrots with Pomegranate Glaze - An unbelievably delicious recipe that calms Pitta and purifies the blood
Barley Pilaf with Pomegranate - enjoy this any time meal that will help you reduce weight and combat hot flashes
Pomegranate Takra - A better more delicious cell purifying body healing drink does not exist on earth

The Ayurvedic Super Tree Worshipped for Its Healing Properties
Detox Khichadi - Eat this recipe to purify your body and calm your mind
Detox Lentil Soup - eat this recipe to detox your cells. and lose weight
Plus - Other home remedies


Join Chef Sanjai for online instruction and Q and A
Enter your email here if you would like to be contacted for the next online learning opportunity.
Each workshop is 1.5 to 2.5 hour long long (varies by theme)
Workshops are differently priced based upon number of recipes and complexity of recipes taught
PDF of recipes will be emailed post workshop
Q and A session supports deeper understanding of Ayurvedic principles
Workhsop is taught by Chef Sanjai supported by members of his team